SSG was created as a gadget so You will have to add it to You chosen dashboard. after that You will be presented with configuration for the gadget:
Fill up the data:
Select board - Select baseline board that will be used as data source
Narrow results with filter - narrow data from the board with custom filter of Your choice
Show total column - Total count of all sprint backlog items in sprint
Show not estimated column - Additional column that will count not estimated sprint backlog items
Column definitions - Define what statuses You want in each column of the gadget. On the left You have column name, on the right statuses that will be grouped under given column.
Number of closed sprints - How many past sprints You want to see.
Story points count - calculate sum of Story Points field of sprint backlog items in given sprint under each column.
Items count - calculate number of sprint backlog items in given sprint under each column.
Number of records per page - how many rows (sprints) You can see on one page.
Save gadget configuration and You will be presented with gadget ready to be used:
Numbers with “()” brackets are issue count
Numbers without are Story Point Count
How to properly use SSG:
SSG can be used to:
Check the past velocity of the team (Closed sprints)
Check if future sprint is properly prepared by the team before the planning
Check if further future sprints have anything that should be prepared in the near future